For our Respective Elders
Shared on Facebook by a Sindhi community member from Gondiya, India
You can Do it !
We did not create this content, don't know who created them so we cannot acknowledge their work, but received them from different sources. Thought it would be worthwhile sharing to take these inspirations and learn.
Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom by our own Dada JP Vaswani. Watch this video where Dada explains the Miracle of Love. Definitely Worthwhile your time.
Super Creative Campaign
The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded. We should be Thankful to God for providing us way over the basic essentials - food, clothing & Shelter. There are so many people on this planet that don't even have an opportunity to have a one time meal. The image below is an amazing campaign by the UN. Zoom in on the image and you will know what I mean.

Train Your Brain
Human body is simply amazing. Especially our brain. Your brain will actually work the way you want it to work. Watch this interesting video to understand How?
Watch the video first. Then think that the train is going in the opposite direction. Now keep watching the video and think until you will actually notice that the train is actually going in the opposite direction. Amazing Isn't it ?
For our Younger Generation
One of the most popular Sindhi songs now in Bollywood style !!
Sindhi Lada
We did not create this content, don't know who created them so we cannot acknowledge their work, but received them from different sources. If you are looking for some great Sindhi Lada, you may find these helpful.
Proud to be a SINDHI
We did not create this content, don't know who created them so we cannot acknowledge their work, but received them from different sources. Thought it would be worthwhile sharing.
Fun Corner
Just for Fun
We did not create this content, don't know who created them so we cannot acknowledge their work, but hought it would be worthwhile sharing just to have some fun.
If you would like to share more like this, please email your videos/pictures/songs to